Current Opportunities

Counsellor On Duty - Relief, ongoing

Interested in a fulfilling career where you can make a difference?

Benefits of working at Women's House Serving Bruce & Grey

  • Interesting and challenging work where one can be part of the process of empowering women

  • Opportunities for growth and mobility within the organization

  • Options for professional development in an environment where there is always something to learn and grow from, and where one is appreciated

  • Ability to have impact that contributes to “changing the world” for our daughters and grand-daughters, and which can create real change at a community level

  • Doing work you can feel passionate about and that constitutes a way of life where one can live their values

  • Gain satisfaction from creating impact through programs that use a harm reduction approach

  • Opportunity to offer education on women’s issues in a rural community

  • Ability to bear witness to women’s healing journeys from beginning to end


Women’s House provides a safe haven for victims/survivors, knowing that ending violence is a community responsibility. We will work towards ending violence through knowledge, which is power, in order to create change.


We envision a world where women are empowered, and women and children are safe, secure, and free from violence.

Women’s House is committed to diversity and values the contribution of its employees from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We welcome applications from Indigenous persons, visible minority group members, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who contribute to greater diversity of perspectives.

Accommodations are available for all parts of the recruitment process. Applicants are requested to contact and encouraged to make their accommodation needs known in advance.